<body> *~*Miss Pammy Tan*~*


Pamela Tan
November 7, 1988


*Flip flops
*Lip gloss


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    *~love around~*

    *~the world~*


    With love,
    from Phylaine
    to Pamela 22/7/7.

    Best viewed using Firefox.

    Paintbrushes from Deviantart.com.

    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    Today..I spent....6 hours and a whole lot of monies on my hair -.-"
    I went to the salon and got a perm!!! I've been wanting to for awhile, but haven't got a chance till now. Anyway, what was supposed to take 3 hours, took my whole entire day! They didn't do a good job the first time, so my stylist re-permed it with triple the amount of solutions and heat! (Spa perm lol) My butt plus backbone is now totally sore from sitting -.-" I finished reading 6 magazines too. LOL Anyway, before I left, my stylist scolded me for not telling him my hair was hard to perm....he knew I'd had a perm before but not by him -.-" lol It's now super duper frizzy but it'll look better in a couple of days!...I hope :D *loves*

    Hair Before!Hair during! (haha sory, I didn't wear makeups out today)
    Hair After!!
    Hahah shut it, don't laugh (--,) im having a bad face day too :X

    Love, your Toxic.

    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    Yay!! *happies* Today I went to Bugis to shop with Royce, Pingy, Mike and Raphy!! (I didn't get anything cuz i saw nothing I wanted *gasp*!)

    We ha dinner at that place across from Parco that I always eat chicken rice at (--,) hahaha yummm.
    but...I was suffering from cramps like the whole time :( zzzzzz it sucks being a girl....too bad I'm so freakin' good at it!! heehee

    Mike plus Royce
    (there was a better pic, but she made me delete it...I don't know why...probably cuz she didn't know I had this one :X hahaha)

    Later we went to Plaza Singapura to watch 'License to wed' with Robbin Williams and Mandy Moore! heehee I love Mandy Moore! shes so pretty!! *loves* The movie was very enjoyable and funny! LOL definitely a feel good movie! Pam's rating is 4.7/5!

    On the way home a guy on the train totally made my day! LOL Every time the a US Navy ship docks in Singapore I get at least one *brows* He and his friends were huddled and pointing (i know, how rude right (--,) ) at me, so i knew they were talking about me -.-" And we all know how Americans talk so loud. Then a guy walked over to my side of the train (trying to make it look normal). Guys are so predictable. Then he leaned over and asked me where I was from. and just for the fun of seeing his expression, I said "Wisconsin" hahaha. And yes, he was shocked. Then he asked again where my parents are from and I said "Singapore. Why?" and he said I had an exotic look that made him want to marry a Singaporean girl. buahahaha *blushes* So there! I am still pretty and wanted after all!! =P to all the Asian guys who want those annoyingly "act cute" (no offense Honey, You're naturally cute!) Japanese/Taiwanese wannabe Asian girls!....................Later Manny called me and made my week!! heehee *loves* *happy*

    Piggy and Me camwhoring!

    Night loverss. Sweet dreams!

    P.S.- Shout out to Honey and Yao!! Congratulations loverssss!! I'm so happy for you guys! Don't anyhow anyhow!!...........too soon (--,)

    Love, your Toxic.

    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Hooray for my 100th post!!!! Thank you to everyone who's made my life so interesting and fun!! I love you all!! :D

    Weekend Recap!
    Friday I went to Downtown East Chalet with Royce for Valient's birthday! (3 days 2 night stay) It was a lot of fun and everyone was there! The first night was a bit boring though :X Cuz there wasn't a barbeque. Lol I think I ate like assorted foods that night. Chips, pizza and.....seaweed (--,)

    Me and Joyce! B day girl!
    Me and Jos :D
    Me and Val!

    Anyway, we played some really dumb card games lol. And a game that's a lot like love dice :D (you know u roll them and have to do whatevers pointing face up eg: lick boobs, bite ear-type thing) But our game was pretty much PG-13 *yawn* :X LOL ok, fine, there were underaged in the vicinity. (--,)

    Oh my gawd! someone has really hairy legs! LOL

    I got to play Mah Jong!! heehee! I love that game. Plus I hadn't played since like Chinese New Year (--,) The sad part was we had to play on a bed because apparently the chalet stores don't rent Mj tables and chairs anymore :( And on top of that I lost $3.40. hahah Pammy HUAT ar!!!

    Huat ar!
    B day boy (--,)
    Me and Vincent!

    That "night" I think we had breakfast at like 5am at McDonalds (--,) My food took forever to come! I had the big breakfast ;D Thanks Robin for treating me to breakfast :D heehee But the service at that Macs sucked *sadded* they didn't give me salt or pepper or jam or butter...and worse...didn't give me my plastic utensils. Man, if only I were a monsta I would've eaten with my hands! *roarrr* But...thank you again Robin for getting up 2x to fetch me things :D Its great being a girl! muahaha!

    Too bad Macs here is Halal...chicken sausage isn't as nice as whatever meat they serve in the US...i think pork? I could be wrong)
    Vincent eating strange hard eggs from taiwan...

    I stayed up till like 8?9? am with Piggy (--,) We apparently had a lot of interesting things to talk about :D (Plus play at the playground (^.^)V plus step on the Chinese massage thing...my feet are so pampered lol) And *ahem* for the record I did attempt to call Manny as its rare I'm awake so early, but he didn't pick up. *sadded*

    Because I was up so "late" when I went back to the chalet I slept till 5 :X (Don't judge me I need my beauty sleep!) lol I'm nocturnal what can I say (--,) By 6 we started a fire for the bbq! And I successfully cooked hot dogs and marshmallows! (OK, lets not talk about that whole pack of Taiwan sausage I burnt. Look at the glass half full ok? :D LOL) I think I ate till I was about to hurl. LOL I dare not step on the scale for the next 2 weeks! *burp*

    I slept rather early at around 3+ I think. It was cuz they started watching a super boring chinese movie I couldn't understand. LOL plus it looked stupid. Worse than the unfunny "My Wife is a Gangster 3". But, whatever makes them happy :D

    Early to bed and early to rise at 7am! hunting for me teddy!!! Yea I did bring him along (--,).

    After we had all checked out, we ran our separate ways. Pingy and I went to Tampines Mall too have lunch and look around! heehee. I guess its something new for her as she doesn't come down to the east side so often. (We all know east side is the cool people's side of our island! :D)
    We walked around and ended up playing air-hockey at the arcade! (Initally, we wanted to play my favorite House of the dead, but both machines weren't working. wth *angry+ sadded*) LOL and I would like everyone to know i OWNED her for both games :D muahaha!!!

    After more walkings, we went to Ikea! (haa yea we had nothing better to do) LOL it was my first time at the new Ikea! I'm so in love with it! LOL its super glorious and I super want a house or apartment so I can buy furniture! LOL The place was rather crowded tho. LOL I guess a lot of people like going there too =P

    Hoho, we did it, you were thinking it! haha

    I think we spent a lot of time there cuz it was super fun! I don't care if you don't believe me, but we went around doing really stupid things and it was entertaining :D Not to mention stole Ikea pencils cuz they're free. LOL! I kept sneaking them into her pockets and crack up as she found them. HAHA good times. Maybe cuz we were tired or we're just crazy. (I'm leaning towards both =p)

    In the end I bought a can opener and a pillow! (due to my pillow fetish, plus I saw signs that I should buy it, as it was only $3.50 hahah *happy*) My favorite thing that I bought was.........a STAR shaped ICE TRAY!!!! woo hooo!!! talk about cool! I can now make my drinks cold with frozen star shaped water :D *super exited* I love stars!!!

    Black pillow, can opener, Ice tray!! *happies*
    Tada!!! star shaped ice!!!

    For lunch/dinner we had the infamous Ikea Meatballs!!! Yummy! (I have now sexxposed myself as being easily happy/entertained if you didn't know already. shhhh don't tell)

    We also went to the new Giant, but didn't do much because that place was so insanely crowded. We did however, push a cart around to block peoples way on purpose and pretend we didn't notice :X hahah OMG we're so chilidsh and horrible! (--,) I love us!

    Last stop was Courts! But it was rather boring. I still like Ikea better. heehee. Tiring weekend. Good times ;)

    Love, your Toxic.

    Friday, August 24, 2007

    Wednesday! I went to see Rush Hour 3 with Jerome! :D
    It was a super funny movie. I'd say, not better than 1 or 2, but not disappointing either. I think Chris's cold jokes are so cold they're funny. haha But the tattoo on the girl's head was kinda predictable. I don't know if its like Asian/ triad or just Rush Hour Movies are like that, but I figured before they revealed it that she'd be the list -.-"
    I take back my words that I said to Gary the other day. I don't want to be in a triad if I ever have to sacrifice my hair! hahaa Anyway, I give this movie rating a 3/5 :D

    After the movie, I met up with Royce at MOS! OMG I think something happened to my face! They like didn't believe my ID was me -.-" I must have gotten younger or something. The door bitch like wouldn't believe me even after I recited my IC number to her! *glares* Then the bouncer started asking me all these questions like where do u live, when was your card issued. I was thinking like what the hell, how am I supposed to remember when it was issued -.-" But instead I politely explained that it should be 2 years back and I live in Bedok. :D Then he smiled and stamped me twice.....

    This wasn't the first time either! Last weekend when I went to VD, the door bitch checked me! -.-" WTH she didn't even check Pingy! Since when do I EVER get checked!! I didn't even get checked at 16 :X haha. And the 7-11 lady checked me when I was buying ciggis......Okay, maybe I should be happy about this. I don't look over-aged anymore! but geez, to the extent I have to stand one side from the queue to answer questions?! -_-" lame.

    Anyway, I had fun at MOS with the retro, then the RnB, plus mikes friend was celebrating his birthday!! :D I also met Vince and his friends....lol we had fun =D

    P.S- I wanna complain that I was watching tv and accidentally cut my right big-toenail too short and it started bleeding -.- *cries* It hurts. A lot :(

    P.P.S- Heres a picture Lynx edited for me :D nice right? I plan around the age of 60, I'll try to grow one. Cuz I figure by then no one will care so much about how I look (--,) *Strokes beard*

    Love, your Toxic.

    Monday, August 20, 2007

    *YAWN* I am SUPER DUPER tired! LOL
    Yesterday I went down to see the fireworks with Phy, Yangs, Gary, Jerome, Shan and Honey! I got to Raffles like an hour after the planned meeting time and to my ultimate horror, discovered everyone else was late too and no one told me! *glares fiercely* (ok la Honey was just held up)

    Anyway, the fireworks were magnificent! They were so much better and more beautiful and than Fridays! I love the super big and colorful ones! The only bad thing was the field we went to was soaked with mud and water from the rain earlier -.-" my flip flops got all muddy -.-" Good thing Yangs brought newspaper for all of us to sit! :D (Only he and Jerome's ass was too heavy and the newspaper they laid was too thin so it soaked through haha :X) The only bad thing was that it was super smoky after the show. No one could see the bright Suntec sign with the haze all around. But what can we say...Made in China!! hahahaa

    After the fireworks we had to walk through a huge crowd! It was like 3x more crowded than on Friday -.-. Worse still, I was extremely hungry and we couldn't find a place to sit. We decided on Cafe Cartel but when the maitre d' told us there was a 30min wait for food and a guesstimated 30min wait for seating, we went to Burger King at Millenia Walk. -.-"

    Side note: While walking from the field to Marina Square, we saw these people walking around with lit devil horns on and since Shan has always wanted a pair we bought them! LOL Honey was so embarrassed to wear them with us cuz everyone was staring! LOL but I thought they were cute :D (I became horny!!! lol...or hornier :X)

    Around 11 i got a call saying my under-aged Pingy couldn't get into MOS (--,) As I predicted...so i had brought clubbing clothes to bring her to VD. hahaha! I called Kor and he said I had to be there before 12 =O I rushed to change and get a cab.

    OH MY FREAKING GAWD! It was so hard to hail a cab! It took me 45 minutes and almost all my phone battery to get a cab! I called an called and got irritated when people walked in front of me to get a cab. WTH. Rude! Then I walked to another street by Millenia Walk and apparently it was fated I get to VD on time :D
    There were people in front of me at the bus stop trying to hail cabs. And just nice, a bus came in front of a passenger-free cab. So instead of stopping behind the bus, the cab drove in front of the bus to pick me up! AHHHH i was super greatful. But realized why the cabby didn't stop behind the bus...cuz he was impatient. LOL he was like super rude and curt to me *humph* But if the bus hadn't been in front of him and he wasn't such an irritable man, I would've been too late (--,) *thanks the mysterious forces as I don't have a religion*

    Anyway, I got to Velvet Dragon Just in time (yes with the devil horns still on lol I'd forgotten about then till people started pointing them out -.-" hah) and met Pingy, Kor, Mike, Royce and the rest :D The night was pretty fun I thought :D (besides the fact Royce and her gang ditched me and Pingy for MOS *scowls* good thing i knew other people (--,) )

    George, James and me!
    (ok I promise I looked better irl...this photographer is...not the best...plus short :X)

    As fun as last night was, I was also rather traumatized o.o While dancing, there was this crazy drunk guy who got on the platform to dance and make a fool of himself....Pingy and I were like laughing at him, minding our own business when he grabs my arm and tries to pull me onto the platform! I declined, but his grip was so firm! So before I fell over, I quickly obliged and mounted the platform to continue dancing. Then to top it off, he grabs both my hands, introduced himself and asked for my name. I told him my name and all of a sudden his hands were everywhere and I was like pushing them away, looking around for help.

    Of course, just nice, the whole group of my guy friends whom were standing behind me were GONE! WTH! where are guys when you actually need them?! (Apparently they were outside throwing up/ helping people throwing up...NOT HOTT)

    I figure guys must be pretty smart. They prowl around waiting for all the girl's guy-friends to leave before attacking the innocent and abandoned.

    Only Pingy came to save me and pulled me to the cage in the back :D To my alarm, as Pingy would say, "One whole group (of guys) attacked"! They like came and did the stupid 'shove you over to dance with that girl cuz I'm too shy to' thing. -__-" super turned off. Then there was the guy who sat to stare...another WTH. and he didn't even stop after I stared at him. He should be the spokesperson for all the thick-skinned guys throughout the country. zzzzzzz I was so irritated we went out for a smoke LOL.

    Sad case, later it was super happening when a fight started and they had to turn on all the lights and chase people out. Kor came out scolding every Hokkien vulgarity known to man. (but I don't know what the big deal is since the music was rather sucky at that time of night :X *runs away*) When security dragged the hoodlums out, I saw the manager hit one for like fighting back or biting him or something! wooo!! drama!!

    The cabby back home was like genuinely nice. He talked to me in a friendly way and didn't make rude comments or noises when I asked him to stop at the ATM on the way home (like the cabby on Monday did) So I totally didn't mind giving him the extra 50cents. He was so polite he even thanked me for it :D Cabbys should all be friendly like him! (^.^)V

    I pretty much concussed till 3+ today. Ate dinner , took another nap, watched some movie and now am planning to sleep again. Hahah you can only imagine how exhausted I am (--,) Plus today's rainy weather was great to sleep with :D Night loversss! Sweet dreams!

    P.S.- Pingy found this crazy picture on the internet. LOL I think she has a lot of nothing to do -_- But hey! its interesting!

    What the hell! People and their weird fetishes! lol I wonder if it hurts! I wonder how he did it! Did you check out his ear hole?! Its like a piece of meat hanging at a butcher's store or something -.- maybe he can like hang sunglasses or clothes there or something. Then he would have his hands free! Or keep a hook there to hold his girlfriend's purse while shopping! hahah his tongue is also a bit funny cuz you can imagine him being angry at someone and stick out his tongue at them from that hole LOL. Im cracking up just thinking about it. I bet it'd help breathing a lot when he has a cold or allergies too (--,) I'd try but I think I might jump off a bridge if my face had a hole like that in it. Haha this also reminds me of the movie "The Mummy" where there were holes in the Mummy's face and cockroaches were crawling in and out. At one point the Mummy even ate one -.-" grosss!!
    OK, my imagination has just ran too wild LOL

    Love, your Toxic.

    Saturday, August 18, 2007

    Today was daddy's Birthday! He turned......*drumroll*..........46!!!!!hahaha after a mere 2 hours of sleep my mommy woke me to make him breakfast -_-" (family tradition, how cute lolss) It was rather hard work, I kept burning the toast in my sleep! LOL I think 90% of the toast had to either get black scratched off, or flipped over so the perfectly brown side was showing :X hahah shhh! don't tell! (--,)

    Then daddy had to run off for a meeting, but wanted to meet the family for a dim sum lunch! =O I took an hour or so nap before hauling my booty out of bed again -_-"

    (side note:ROAR!!! 30,000 cabs in Singapore and I have to wait over 15 minutes for one!)

    Lunch was delicious though! heehee I love the shrimp dumplings *drools* My family was so well behaved today (--,) Daddy was so happy :D

    I tried so hard not to stare at my little brother's fugly hair -_-" Seems like the barber cut it wrong....then he decided to be more creative and make reverse partings on his head. (one on the right going left, and one on the left going right...both at the same time) -_- Wth, I'm related to crazy people...crazier than I thought...
    Then when daddy went off for another meeting, we went....SHOPPING!!! at Vivo ;) I hadn't shopped there in forever!

    We went to Pet Safari on the 4th floor and OMG! I fell in love!!! There was this puppy (Yorkshire Terrier!) , 2 months old! Its the cutest little fur-ball I've ever seen in my life! ahhh going at $3,000 I wanted to shove him in my jacket and run! *sniggers* He was trying to curl up and sleep, but the towel was uncomfortable so he tried moving it but couldn't! Ahhhh *fainted*

    Mommy bought some movies and Ian wanted Eragon.....however, none of us were too keen. Then mommy asked him if we could not buy it. He....ran to the corner of the store and.......started tearing. WTH my little brother is such a sissy I don't know what to do with him. -_-" I was all like, "Are you crying?!" and he tried to fake it by laughing......hes like....10...and already unmistakably gay -_- (for the record, I have nothing against gay people, but god! hes like, annoyingly sissy!)

    I didn't see any terrific clothes (maybe due to my tiredness) and ALMOST left without buying anything! and was ALMOST on time for my next appointment!....then i saw it....................a.....................BAG SALE!!!! Muahahaha!!!! I found the first bag *freaking delighted*...and the second bag!! *super freaking happy!* I intended to get both, and the helpful and tad-bit pushy sales lady (most likely on commission) thought I was trying to decide which to get. So she said "Buy 2 and I'll throw in a watch" LOL so I was like *blink blink* "okay"... LOL. I'm beginning to like pushy sales tactics. (haha ok only if I have monies at that point in time)....But then again, I don't wear watches. hahaha

    Oh, they look much better on my arm...but then again, what/who doesn't ;)
    Free!!! LOL not bad! but..I don't wear watches lolss

    I met Honey and Ben at Lau Pa Sat! I...try to avoid that place too. LOL the people scare me away cuz of the militant Satay and barbecue seafood people. They like shove menus in our faces or demand we sit at their tables -.-" I sometimes don't know how to be polite to these people -.-" Anyway, dinner was still fun :D

    Gary joined us for the fireworks festival! It was super-fantabulously-awesome!! I love fireworks!! *melts* And this time round they had the sparklies, planet and heart shaped ones!! :D
    Came home to cut the delicious blueberry cake and watch Eragon and The Devil Wears Prada! Yay!! Eragon was ok..not really my type. LOL But I LOVE The Devil Wears Prada! heehee great movie. Probably a total chick flick (--,) Pam's rating is 4.8/5 :D

    Love, your Toxic.