Okay! sooo lets see this week.........
- I went to Bugis with Pingy! I was supposed to work at Comex...but too much stuff going on over the weekend....so met her after the meeting and went shopping! We went down the Arab street area as well as Bugis Junction and Parco! I would definitely LOVE to own a store at Haji lane! All their stores are so quirky and cosy and artsy fartsy! A bit priced on the high side but I don't suppose they get a hell lot of customers- plus artsy fartsy stuff always has a higher price. Anyway, I got 2 dresses! *happies*

my new boyfriend LOL Tall, dark and handsome! ;)

- We went to check out the costume store for ideas for Halloween. We left abit later with no better ideas and a little freaked out by the weird store assistant. He was very friendly and helpful but he kept popping up out of nowhere (and stabbing me with a fake knife whos blade goes into the handle when pressed). Also, they have a giant condom with cum costume. But I have no idea why the cum is hanging on the outside. LOL *shudders*
- We went to Plaza Singapura for dinner at Carl's Jr! I had my chili cheese fries! yummy! I loved it! and did some shopping! I got some new undies!! hehehe I don't think my infatuation with underwear will ever cease lol. and it was a good thing we went to PS because as I went to draw monies from the ATM, I discovered my card was faulty! The strip apparently had been peeled partially off (hopefully not due to overuse LOL) The bank was next to the ATM, so they just issued me a new one! *happies*

chili cheese fries!! =)~~~~

our best bud Wall-E......UNTIL.........

*gasp!* scandal!

she's saying my boobs are from a different planet! humph!

....and that I have no ass......

Pingy got a little too friendly! LOL
- Pingy and I ended our very long day with soy bean curd at Rochor. LOL I hadn't been to that place in forever! their bean curd is still delicious as usual ;)

Oh and the creepiest thing every happened while I was waiting for Pingy. Since she was late, I decided to walk around a little bit to see if there was anything interesting. As I walked past the escalator at Parco, I saw this flash of white to my left. Thinking nothing of it, I continued my shopping. Only a few minutes later saw the white flash again so I glanced over incase it was someone I knew. Nope, it was some stranger in a striped blue shirt, backpack, jeans, on the phone and ugly hair. So I continued walking and he continued following......I decided I wasn't being paranoid and ran into a women's clothes store for safety. Only when I came out, he was at a nearby pillar away waiting. Oh my goodness! and then he winked at me! I ignored him and he took up pace with me again! I walked around the pushcarts and he "browsed" at me. So i quickly smsed Pingy to come faster!! Oh my god he lookd creepy. So I went down the escalator to get Pingy from the MRT station and he browsed at me again. Seriously, who does that as a pickup look?!....stalker
- I went to Bugis again with Levyne! LOL (I seem to hang out there a lot -.-) We had dinner at Shokudo- Japanese Pasta Restaurant. The food there is absolutely delicious! We had Unagi thin crust pizza (a bit strange with the sweet mixed with the cheese-and I still am not a fan of Ungai by the way), seafood pasta with avocado (this one was delicious! the avocado chunks were abit....special, but not too strong-giving a really nice unique taste) and fried shrimps (OMG- the highlight of my dinner! toatlly drool worthy!) *happies*

my fav shrimp!


muslim night LOL preparing for the fast next month...
but the scarf is beautiful la!
- We did abit of shopping (haha predictable) and I got a shirt and some heat lotion. LOL. Fun stuff. As we ended the night at Mcdonalds for a drink, these 2 turkish guys started hitting on us. If i recall correctly, one of them is a chef at turkish cuisine (Suntec) and the other is an artist that draws...everything. LOL The artist's name is......Alaaddin! LOL I kid you not! I never had a friend named Alaaddin before! And his friend pronounced it Ala-tin......when we didn't understand he explained it by saying..."u know Alaaddin....with the genie and the lamp?" HAHAHAHA so cute. And I had almost just told Lev that when I was little I admired princess Jasmine and her pet tiger in the Disney cartoon. What an entertaining night.
- Went to Chinatown with Levyne since I had to exchange my camera at PS. Sadly, they didn't have any black ones left and the red and pink ones were freaking ugly. I settled for silver....mayyybe I shall bling it! Anyway, we had food and some walkings in Chinatown (Lev had to buy cloth to make me a skirt! I have faith in you! lol) and I bought a fan!! haha its beautiful and purple and only $3! LOL Levyne is a heavy influence! Also, I figured chinese men are just as rude as indian men and french men because they kept looking at my chest though my shirt was not low. So ive come to the conclusion that all men are rude! =x

- Friday night was Taco's birthday celebration! We had dinner at Waraku at East Coast Park. Yummy! Because we had a big group, they gave us a private room with the floor seating and rice wall papers. The food was delicious and super filling! Loved it! Oh, except they ran out of soy sauce. What the hell?! how can an Asian restaurant run out of my precious soy sauce?! (I settled for the "sushi" soy sauce....which they were also slowly running out of)

I think she was just amazed at the variety (--,)

decisions, decisions

ginormous bowls!


he looked away while i was snapping -.-"

my dinner! delicious!

wasabi crazy!!

hahaha breaking into the other side of the rice paper by wetting your finger tip!....i watch too many movies lol

da guys!


camwhoring lol

Me sitting on top of Ron's car through the sun roof! LOL Super fun!

Playing guitar hero at Taco's
- I went to the zoo with Honey, Yao and Gerald on Saturday!!! *super duper happies* I LOVE the zoo! Though Singapore exaggerates the quality of stuff around the island a lot, i do have to say that the zoo is one of the best and one of my favorites that I've been to in my life (trust me, I've been to quite a few). I think it must be the landscaping or all the foliage there. hehehe And all the animals are adorable! The only thing I didn't like was the map. It is seriously flawed! No one could read the map and we were constantly confused! Maybe they need a new pamphlet. Also, it started raining halfway! we had to huddle under umbrellas 2 by 2, much like Noah's Ark! (LOL the irony) They canceled the elephant show- which is my FAVORITE thing ever to watch at the zoo!-because of the rain. Sad case :( I now have an excuse to go back!

Starting the day with lunch! I had popcorn chicken! muahaha!

alligator! It was so still-it could be fake!

cutest otters ever!!!

Australian lodge

haha the emu was scary!! I think its the hair and red eyes!

new ghey friend!

Orangutans! (the ones in the back la)


White tiger watching

tsk, my peoples can't go anywhere without molesting something/someone!!

the zoo has really nice restrooms!! it feels outdoors, but really isnt!
And might I mention, its pretty clean too!

Yao's favorite penguins!

penguin show with manatees!

a greedy, but smart penguin! he went up to the zoo keeper to be fed instead of fighting with the others in the water! ;)

seal tricks!

falling down the hill!

Pygmy hippos! Only the night safari has the big hippo, so I had to settle seeing pygmy ones! Which are just as cute! *loves*

the hippo came up!

waiting for the elephant show

*sadded* the elephant show was canceled *heart breaks*

my prince!

frolickking with reptiles!


I think more animals come out when it rains!

trying to be as cute as the creature posing on the tree stump for me!

the monkeys were sooo close!! like not afraid of us!

Gerald is pimpin with the birds!

lemur feeding!!! they were so close! hehehe i love this pic!

~in the jungle, the mighty jungle~~ the lion sleeps tonight!


my loves!!!! *happies*

this elephant was soooo cute! she was dancing to music coming from a nearby amphitheater! awwwww!!

- Gerald, Yao, Honey and I had dinner at Botak Jones-Boonlay! *gasp!* Their food comes in huge amounts that I couldn't finish. I had the Cajun chicken. It was pretty delicious, but a bit too spicy (chili hot) for me. The rest had sausages which were also really nice! I heard they have an outlet by my house in Bedok, so I shall head back sometime soon! *lickks lips*
- I went to have drinks at NTU with Thomas and his peoples! OMG the liquor on campus is so freaking cheap LOL its like $5 a beer! Ok, I know, Pam doesn't really drink beer, but I don't feel so bad if I don't finish it all! =x Also, I would like everyone to know-that I whooped Thomas's ass at table soccer! bwahahaha!! I wasn't lying when I said I was good at it!
Oh and while waiting at the bus stop for Tom, I was on the phone speaking and a man came up and started talking to me. He looked a bit lost and sweaty so I assumed he was looking for directions. I finished my conversation and asked him what he wanted to know and he said.........."can we be friends?" OMG what the hell, since when does hitting on people while all sweaty and nervous looking work? Seriously, I think his look of fear scared me more than he was feeling.
- I picked up a present at Toy's R Us (Thank god Jurong Point has one lol so convenient!...unlike mall-less Bedok! pffft!) on the way to Javien's 1st birthday! I got him the coolest elmo cell phone toy. LOL My favorite function would be the elmo song when it turns on. heehee! And on my way over still, while running errands, I fell down the stairs at Rochor center (Bugis) -.-" I seem to be injuring myself a lot recently! *sobs* It was raining and the stupid last step was a different texture than the entire staircase...I was wearing flip flops and...........no one helped me up =( ohmygoodness *sadded*
Anyway, the party was quite interesting. LOL the food was delicious and the babies were cute! Probably more mischevious than I like em, but babies will be babies! Happy Birthday Javien!
- I went down to Hort Park for Daddy's SDP Anniversary function with Phy, Jayce and Kev! We got leied at the Hawaiian themed party *brows*! The food wasn't that great actually -.-" but the songs and games were pretty cute. LOL The park surrounding the building was absolutely gorgeous! There were cubicle sized landscaping with different themes and playgrounds all next to each other. Nice! My future house will definitely have a nice garden!


the guitarists


sales and registration


nice lady from the US embassy



How low can you go??

hawaiian's must be flexible! lol

hmmmm im not sure if you're allowed to do that!!

hmm, not sure whats going on here.......

Dr. Chee's new book. Suppork!
I haven't read it yet though lol
Something random that will make about 2 people other than me laugh:

mini Eco-systems!!!LOL
Just a thought: Wouldn't you want someone who likes you for who you are rather than someone who likes you for you you're not? duhhh
Snapple Fact: mosquitoes have 47 teeth!
To him: I have no empathy for you. I told you karma would come for you ;)