taking a walk

Fredricksberg park! (statue of king Fredrick)

The castle aka my future home! muahaha!
it looks a bit small here, but its really big in depth. We didn't go in because its now used as military offices!

Chinese pagoda.....we're everywhere!!!

me thinking we should have duck for dinner! hehehe

a bagel before the walk home!

my coffee with the sugar poured in a heart shape!

by yours truly!
Rosenborg palace

touring the inside

there were a lot of children on class field trips lol

kings hangout room (fireplace)

they had beautiful paintings on the ceilings

the kings writing room

beautiful furniture! Everything was so detailed back then!

stairs to the next floor!

a room used by a princess

me withthe fanciest clock I've ever seen!

The kings toilet!
Just imagine........several kings-rulers of Denmark- has shitted in that hole!!

me being majestic

hunting trophy

hahaha we liked the statues mustache. It looked like a french fry =x

saving the jars!

LMAO.....its one thing to have a picture of it, another to have a painting of it!!

up another floor!

The throne room!

absolutely stunning ceiling carvings depicting one of the wars

silver lions protecting the thrones

baby being majestic- we were very majestic people that day! lol

there was a room full of bronze statues

a room full of glass (dishes, plates, cups etc)
there were also rooms of porcelin and a mirror room

Then we worked our way to the basement/wine cellar
This is the room where they displayed weapons

I think people were a lot smaller back then

very pretty guns with detailed handles

the ivory and amber room! mostly everything in it was ivory!

ostrich eggs

I was amazed and then quickly appaled when I realized how many of my favorite animal (the elephant if you didn't know) they had killed to make this =(

another room had riding gear and an assortment of daily items

this is how Henrik would ride a horse

I was captivated by the bling and beautifulness of it all!

Then we went even lower into the basement where the treasury was!
This was a gold sword owned by king Christian if I remember correctly

bling bling!!!
I'd have tried it on, but there was this annoing glass case around it and armed guards outside

there was so much bling!

I wish I were the queen, I'd wear all my bling every day!

little trinkets

silverware! (or if you must- golderware!)

all the bling had matching earings and center piece

2 other crowns from past kings and queens (I think this one was about 4 generations)

after we exited, we took a walk in the garden

The sun was up that day! It was still cold, though enjoyable