Alrighty! Its been a long time, so I think an update is due! Let me just set some things straight first.....the pics in the previous post have finally been sucessfully updated!! The reason behind the 3 month pause is because Blogger was apparently having a lot of issues, I couldn't post or upload properly for a very long time! Also, as some of you know I went to Vietnam on vaca! and spent a week in Singapore with the boyfriend. I've also been quite busy and I'm currently in Copenhagen, Denmark again! *gasp!* SO, I won't have the time and don't have the memory to relate all the details, but I will start updating from my vacation in July (in parts of course)! So, get some coffee and sit to read/just see pics/ whatever else you normally do here! I'm back! And as always, I love you!

baby arrived and its present opening time!

Yummmmm danish chocolates!!! *lovessss*
Lets see, while Henrik was here we had dinner with grandma! It was at the Changi golf resort that had an a-la-carte buffet! yummm! I would say the food is ok, nothing special but the service sucked balls. Slow, non-english speaking, forgetful, rude. hmmm....looks like traits of China staff! =x It was still a great night though, cuz grandma liked Henrik even through the laguage barrier. lol Plus, she was impressed with his naturally curly hair. For a grandma who spent alot of money and a lot of time on perms during her lifetime, so I can see why she was impressed.

us with grandma!

one with sissy

one with the little bro

yumm yummm

sissy poo

Henrik and I also had dinner with my favoriteeee friends!!! Dom, Lennart, Angela, Pingy and Nichelle +1. We had steamboat at Fortune Cuisine at Sunset Way, Clementi- one of my favorite places! The only reason I don't go so often is that its hard to get to. But this time baby actually drove us all the way in daddys car!! muahaha!! Thanks google maps!
Afterwards half of us went for Shisha at mosi cafe!! Legendaryyy!! Great times! I love you guys! Thanks for coming!

Much Much later, in the wee hours of the morning, we spent some time at the beach *brows*

We also did a whole buncha shopping (apparently even branded clothes in Singers are less expensive than in Denmark) and met Henrik's mom's friend Mr. Tan for dinner at the polo club. It interesting experience. Me thinks someones got their *gulpy gulpy* going on.
Much to my relief, we got our *gulpy gulpy* on at Dbl O later! hehe finally got to club! hehe I had fun!
We did a little shopping before we met my aunts and family for dinner! We walked around Suntec for awhile and had one of my favorite portugese egg tarts! hehehe And the boyfriend bought me the Britney, Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift Cds! *gasp* yay!!!......though I suspect he secretly regretted it after they were all he got to listen to for awhile. muahaha!
It was also my aunt Nancys birthday that night as we gathered at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant at Eastcoast park! We just had to go there cuz for some strange reason, Henrik had never had chili crab before! *gasp* only my favorite crab dip/dish everrrrr!!!! yummm.

OK, Yes I do realize I look like a pregnant chicken in this outfit. My body hadn't recovered from the Penang binge ok?! geez, give a woman a break!!!

daddy and sissy

baby is amazed at the size of the shrimp!
Yes, we like em big! *brows*


I freaking love the mantou with the chili crab sauce!

We end the night with coffee and cake/ice cream at Old Town white coffee!

daddy and momma

Aunty Nancy and Aunty Joyce

We caught Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Which made me extramely happy! And to make the day better, we had sushi for dinner!! hooorayyyy!!!!!! The movie was fantabulous- like the rest of the series!!!! I give it a 4.9/5!

Nihon Mura for dinner!!!

duck rice! (I dont like the braised duck so much but i freaking love the gravy and chili!)

at the rooftop car park

who knew the view would be so nice from a parking lot

how he likes his women


The midnight movie- Transformers 2- was amazing!!! I still like the first one better but this was good too! I'd say some parts were draggy and some parts were un-necessary. Plus point is that Megan fox is so freaking hottt. God is a little unfair......Anyway, I give the movie a 3.8/5

Gloria Jeans, waiting for the movie just like old times! lol

Secret ambition of hanging his gf......
And finally we had a picnic with Grace, Wei Siong + company, Phy and Kev at the Marina Barrage! We were trying to watch the fireworks but as usual, nothing comes free in Singapore, the new casinos were blocking the view. I still had a wonderful day though! Nothing beats food and laughter with the people you love!

all the veggies preparing for the picnic!

Singapore by day

catching the sunset


Singapore by night

fireworks! behind the building
Then baby had to go home........

last meal at my fav hawker center!

at the airport :(
Something in my opinion that many people take forgranted/ignore: The necessity of good, comfortable toilet paper. Nothing beats taking a crap and have your badonkadonk met by soft, strong, 3 ply toilet paper! It just gives you that "ahhhhhhhhhhhh" feeling =D
A question for you to ponder: Who invented tampons? male or female?
If I owned a country, I'd make it a law to have warm enough showers to fog up the mirror and draw smiley faces on it!
Apparently, my thoughts have been revolving around toilet issues recently. But don't be surprised! You all know toilet time is thinking time!
*Come back soon for more posts/Vietnam updates!*