Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Happy Chinese New Year loves!!! I'm totally sick right now (Daddy says my body is just reacting to over-partying withdrawals....oh well!), but as I can't sleep (mostly because i can't breathe) I shall update you with a weeks worth of CNY!!!
On the 13th, Grandma came over with my moms side of the family for reunion dinner. *refer to previous post on why my family is being weird this year* They are officially the weirdest people ever. They aren't close to us- so that was awkward enough, but they also don't eat/appreciate much. I spent all day preparing the steamboat for them, they came an hour early, ate for like 15 minutes, sat on the couch for another 15 and left. WTH!!! When my people and I have steamboat, its like 2 hours of eating, a short break and 2nd round!! I understand my uncle doesn't care/enjoy "family time" but gee, at least give some face to my grandma!! Anyway, I enjoyed myself with the variety of foods I bought. Just imagine I had gone through the 7 levels of hell worrying that people would miss something in my steamboat when all I should've done was order something "to-go". At least grandma mentioned she liked my CNY decorations this year. HUAT AR! I also won second place (after daddy) in scrabble.

we start of with the lo hay- lucky salad!

Huat ar!

me and the little bro

then move on to dinner


momma and granny

i didnt take this pic, but this is how my family (moms side) doesn't talk to eachother
On the 14th- Also known as Valentine's Day, daddy surprised momma with a v day stuffed animal! I totally helped him pick and wrap it! I love surprises!!! *sweetness*


hehe just to remind you all of what I got for V day!!!
The family then headed to the normal visiting spots. First, Grandma's place. We had a nice chat. Uncle Alvin came with Manhong and Uncle David's family was of course there. It was...interesting. Thats where I started cashing in! Ka Ching! I've decided I should never get married so I can cash in on red packets every year. Seems like a reasonable thing to do since its free money and all. Anyway, It seems trendy to sprout families out of wedlock now of days. Who's judging?? Ahhhh, the modern times, where have all our principles gone? (--,)

on the way to grandma's house at way too freakingearlytobeawake on public holidays

grandma's place

grandma is totally in love with the 2 puppies from next door. I really dislike the one in this pic because its a yapper. Its sister is much quieter and so fat she can hardly walk hahaha
love it!
Towards late afternoon, the family headed to my Aunt Nancy's house for lunch/dinner. I had intended to go home and nap before dinner.....buuuut, we started gambling and there was no turning back!!! Asking a Chinese person not to gamble is like asking a Black person not to eat fried chicken. It just doesn't happen!! I did bring my Zao Cai Mao to the table and he was lucky for awhile.....until a child (daddy's cousin's daughter....I don't know what shes called.....2nd cousin??) defiled my poor cat. Seriously. Some kids should be shot.

daddy and me!
(my camera aim is getting bad! im not as camwhorish as I use to be! *Gasp!*)


Nigel, Aunty Joyce and Aunty Helen
(yes they arranged and bought their outfits together)

A. Joyce and Xavier

me and the aunts!

me and sissy poo
(please note how unfair God was to her face. When N*SYNC sang "god must've spent a little more time on you", they clearly did not have my twin sister in mind.)

Let the games begin!!!!

bro playing computer games.....kids are smart these days, they run away after winning your money so you cant win it back :'(

me and Xavier

Note to self: Hit up casinos with younger immediate cousin when he is of age because his luck is bananas.
The 2nd official day of chinese New Year, we visited my Aunt Eileen's house for brunch to dinner. Freaking awesome. I think I gained like 2kg just thinking of all the nice food and another 2 for eating it. I also gained $20 while playing blakcjack and lost it after I had a nap. Finally, my cousin has announced his intention to get married at the end of this year. I look forward to claiming another red packet next CNY. Huat ar!!!
Note to self: Do not nap while on a winning streak.
In the late evening, my aunt Nancy had the urge to play mahjong and I had the urge to agree with her. We went back to her place with sissy poo and my cousin to play. I told sissy not to go as I didn't want to play with newbies, but she insisted on making my game boring. I'm secretly glad she lost like $15- not that she brought enough money to pay. Freak.

yea babyyy

more head cutting
I slept over at my cousin's after mahjong but before I set foot on the soft soft matress I was forced to play xbox. I never understood what so fun about fighting each other with super kicking and punching powers through a remote. I still don't understand. Make love, not war. XOXO
The morning commenced with another round of mahjong....HELLS YEA. THAT is how we do!

quick lunch before.................................

daddy and mommy play mj!!!!
Later in the evening of the 3rd official day, we headed to My Uncle Edward's house for dinner. This year, I was allowed the whole bottle of soy sauce. This excited me a lot.

me with literally 3 hours of sleep from the night before-went home-showered-changed-made up-and ran out the door!


Gambling Den #3!
Other exciting things that happened that night: Sissy violated my face for making an "owe money pay money" comment (from mahjong the night before) and I refuse to forgive her. I will slowly but surely make her pay for it since daddy's motto is to teach people nicely. Tsk. Psycologists. (I did mention to daddy the next day on how it was a good thing his genes made my face so damn good looking or I wouldn't have known where to put it after the entire family witnessed the scandal) However, I will not tell you what I intend to do/already started doing because its a secret! 0=) I will not forgive until I see her cry! Woe is the victim of an avenging scorpion woman. muahahahahahahaaaa!!!!
Back to normal working days, I spent Wednesday at the Singapore Democratic Party's office. We were discussing about things for the anniversary party this Saturday. I'm pretty sure I left a pretty bad impression that no one wanted to mention (probably because I'm "Johns daughter") because I kept nodding off every 5 minutes or so......the same totally happened on the following Friday when organizing the event's schedule. But I pinky promise to get enough sleep the day before the actual event!!!

I woke up so early the sun was up! *gasp!*
In the evening, daddy, momma, Ian and I had dinner at Dian Xiao Er because my brother wanted to go to Terminal 3 at the airport (I don't really know why) and I had a craving for roasted duck! (I know why- the smoked duck didn't cut it for me at my aunt's place =x) Good stuff.

momma and ian

my favoritest tofu in the world

ian and daddy


after dinner coffee

yes he is eating again....I strongly suspect he used eating as an excuse not to go home and sleep because it was a school night. sneaky. very sneaky.
On a random day of CNY, Aunty Joyce decided to get a Lo Hay (lucky salad). Its a family favorite. I can't believe how little I've gotten this year! usually everyone has one!

hearing my brother say "tain tain mimi"-in his puberty-voice-breaking, thick American accent- while putting on the sweet sauce (for sticky luck or something) was definitely one of the greatest highlights of my life. hahahaha!

On the 6th day of Chinese New Year, I had my own little steamboat party for my peoples. It was so much fun. Its amazing how no one in my clan can ever get anywhere on time! But it was glorious! The food was great, the people were great and the games were great. I'm still awestruck on how credit card monopoly could beat a gambling game of cards. HUAT AR!

Oh YES, I BROUGHT IT with my chinese cheong sam shirt!

this is how I do....and there should never be another way to do it! Huat ar!
(I coudln't fit the beef and pork shabu shabu we had too muahaha)

other side of the table with the worlds most amazing shrimp balls


gambling den-but not really #4

lennart was definitely the winner in this game

Saturday again came with more festivities. I went to daddy's friend Siok Chin's place for Chinese New Year lunch. More food! Everyone was really sweet.



on the way home!
Just a small thought though.......if we had gone to a PAP Chinese New year gathering would I have gotten more monies in my red packets? =xxx
Laterwards, I had a super nice dinner with my aunts at an Italian place in Siglap called Da Salvatores. OMG it was awesomeee. I haven't had such good Italian food in a loong time! I had a shrimp appetizer, seafood soup, pizza and 4 cheese pasta. YUM! Seriously, once you've tasted good Italian food, you probably can't bear to eat at another fake-Asian-made-Italian-wanna-be restaurant ever again. Of course all this comes at a price-good thing I wasn't paying because my brother went through like 4 dishes (out of the 7 he wanted) by himself! The thing im most estatic about though, is the dessert! OMGGGG words cannot begin to describe how freaking scrumptious their tiramisu is!!! I usually don't have dessert after meals, but this was too incredible to miss. Seriously. I haven't had a proper tiramisu in Singapore since ever! I definitely reccomend this place- they have 3 outlets in the country and the boss makes his rounds everyday to all 3. He's a friendly chap too, going around with his half buttoned shirt and asking how all his customers are doing. LOVE IT.

freaking awesome soup
and freaking awesome garlic bread on the side

bro and cousin

Aunty Judy, Nicel and Uncle Desmond

my amazing appetizers (I only wish they pitted the olives)

4 cheese pasta and calazone

My little taste of heaven!!!! *loves*
Later that night, Uncle Richard dropped me off at City Hall to meet with my peoples for the River Hong Bao! I missed that event! There was the usual overpriced carnival, craft stores, food and LIGHTS! We had an amazing time and I got my honey/syrup animal candy again. I'm amazed everytime I see them draw it! There was even a ginormous dragon made of candy on display. I wanted so badly to lick it. Freaking Epic.

Phy and me

the scariest looking (and most expensive-$15/pax) ride at the carnival which was nothing close to the one in Tivoli I went to last year

swinging carousel that I don't trust

I was watching people in the bumper cars when I decided not to play because Singaporeans are the nicest bumpercar drivers in the world. Seriously. They actually try to avoid hitting and being hit. WTH.

the crowd

my candy making store!
...im pretty sure it was some sort of honey or caramelized sugar

phy broke the wing!!!

but I fixed it! There was no possible way for me to eat a broken butterfly!!!


the god of wealth
(which is supposed to be much much fatter...lynx was saying economy crisis hahah.......IMO if this was a deliberate attempt to be ironic, its not funny!!!)

Phy got a silly cheena hat from one of the craft stores


panda display that im in love with!! their noses were heart shaped!! hehe!!!

the wishing well that had bells with wishes over them and if your coin hit the bell, your wish would come true!

the most awesome (and melty) dragon candy statue ever made by the chinese!!!

yes. that amazed.

part of the usual display of the 12 animals of the zodiac with your fortune at the side. this is the ox.

the rat

dom is a dog *feel free to laugh here*


my animal the dragon!!!

An awesome display of a phoenix and dragon fashioned out of porcelain spoons and saucers. loved it!
After the River Hong Bao ended, the 6 of us went for drinks at TCC and later headed to play LAN. *gasp* yea, you heard me...LAN. I've never felt more nerdy in my life. First xbox, now LAN?! I was taught to pay left4dead. I still don't understand the hype as I got killed every 2 minutes or so. pfft.


iphone mania

the cutest cat and her 3 kittens outside the LAN shop!! awwww!!!
Pictures are compliments of Lynx. View more here Sunday was lazy day. I had dinner with my aunts and then brought the cousins+ brother to the pool. I think I have a people phobia after this. There were just too many people. Next time i think ill stick to weekday afternoons or late evenings or something. phew! We ended the night with McDonalds. SO no my idea as I wanted to go home, but hey, who can argue with an apple pie =x
I spent all Monday rehearsing for the SDP anniversary. The Concord Hotel's airconditioning is seriously too cold to function! I must say, things are coming together nicely!!
Tuesday I met up with Ravin! while being sick of course! I love spreading germs! *cough cough**happies*
Time until my Boyfriend arrives in Changi Airport terminal 2: 31.5 hours!!! I'm SO freaking excited!!!
Pam wonders: If people who mail order brides are as excited as I am to recieve people from the airport.
Pam's words of wisdom: Looks aren't everything but you can't wank to personality!!!