Girls' time!
grace stripping!!!
little neighbor, me, Jayce!
kitchen time!
My favorite traditional danish dish! Estragon roast chicken, ITS LIKE YUM!
poached pear with vanilla ice cream! *loves*
On the way there!! all geared up to win!
we saw the NDP pass by!
some of our first beers! I super loved the taiwanese one (right)! It was melon beer! It didn't taste like beer at all!! just sweet sweet melon with a strange, yet wonderful after taste!
fire works our right when the Netherlands won!!
ka-ching!!! we had to cash in cash to get these chips....un-used chips were refunded at 80% =o
Besides that, I thought it was a horribly stupid idea because it took so much time to queue to change money -and people don't know how much they should change or spend there- ended up with changing too little and then having to queue again. THEN apparently the food has to be bought with these chips too! There were no signs and no one told us! So we queued for like 15 minutes only to be told they didn't accept cash, having to go back to change cash for chips and re-queuing for yor food. This happened to many many people!! Geez, if you're trying to earn off of drunk people, at least do it in a convenient fashion for us!
beer for "men" according to its seller lol
food stalls! (they had more on the other side) man was that swiss butchery store disappointing!
Boy, do I miss those juicy bratwursts in WI (for only USD1!) and Berlin (for only 1 Euro!)!!!
hot dog eating contest!! I thnk the winner ate like 18 in 5 mins or something!
eek! this one was too strong for me, but Henrik's fav!
Hells Bells!! WoW these women can rock out!
his other lover called making him officially the happiest pastry at the beerfest!
hahaha a drunk guy everyone was taking pic of/ we joined in =x
shitty beer to end the night lol
fibre drinks! Yum! Jayce bought me one to try since I was suspicious towards them.
It tastes like orange soda! hehehe
dinner at QQramen house that sucked.....:(
love them!!! My fav is Blackie (far left) with the musatche! Sweet and cuddly!!!
2 more pets! hehehe
*loves!* the puppy got wayyyy too comfy (--,)
heeHee! Puppy abuse!!!! It was too tired to defend itself!
*~*Stay tuned for updates on my Bangkok trip!!*~*
I can't believe Michael Jackson has been dead a year already! It seems just like yesterday I heard the news and thought it was a joke! RIP Michael.
Something you might or might have not known about him:
Michael Jackson has two stars on the Hollywood walk of fame, one for himself, and one for The Jackson Five.
Interesting facts for the world cup fever:
No European team has ever won the World Cup outside of Europe.
Also, only countries from either Europe or South America have won the World Cup
Random Pic: my tornado-hit room!!
And to end this post with feelings that'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, click
HERE for the 55 most scandalous barbie pictures ever!!!
*~*I feel so loved and thought about by so many people all the time! I want everyone who loves me to know that I appreciate you, and I love you too! :D*~*