Make your own basic hummus!
Blend together:
2 cans chickpeas
juice of 1 lemon
sesame paste -aka tahini (I roasted and blended sesame seeds but didn't quite like the texture though the flavor was nice)
pinch of salt
a teaspoon of paprika
couple teaspoons of minced garlic
drizzle olive oil over finished product
The Happs at Beauty Paws!
In the past few months, I've been making visits to Nichelle's pet grooming store at Toa Payoh every once in awhile. Everything is going well! There were many many hamster babies that were born to different mothers. The cute little monsters are now going up for adoption! love it!
so well fed!!
so many babies!!
hehe little boost to reach the food!
Other than the usual grooming, I must say that Toa Payoh is a seriously fucked up location of Singapore. In the past 3.5 months of the store opening, there has already been a couple incident involving, drunks, molesters, dirty old men and the police! Theres probably something in the water making everyone there crazy. Well, there have been a couple nice people, but I think the mentally troubled ones are more overwhelming than the ammount of sane. Anyway, I still wish Nichelle all the luck in the world for her store becuse she does awesome grooming jobs in my opinion ;)
Henrik and his coleagues found a cheap place for bowling at the Clementi recreational center. Though I missed it due to shopping and lazy reasons, I met them afterwards with Pingy and Nichelle at Sunset way. It was a good night of drinks and people at some overpriced Japanese restaurant with super good service.
This night led to awesomeness and attempted planking by me and Pingy. LOL Planking: An activity, popular in various parts of the world (originating in Australia), consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. For more information click
HERE. lol Good times.