January Fun!!
Ahhhh January! the party never does stop does it?! Well we've been quite busy these days! Its just a few days away from Chinese New Year!! This month we had a lot of fun things to do, starting with a little party at Marina Bay Sands with Simon as his mother came to visit! The pool as usual was AMAZING, but this time it was freezing!! Partly in due to the "winter weather" in singapore, the pool hadn't been warmed in forever! Even the jacuzzis were a little more chilly than I'd have liked! lol But it was fun nonetheless. We had a wonderful time!
We headed to the bridge afterwards which was exteremly happening. We met a grek guy who's girlfriend dumped him the day after his birthday. He was incredibly drunk with happy/sad mood swings and seemingly had a mn-crush on Henrik as he kept giving him free beer! LOL I don't know how to feel about his situation since he left his wife in Greece for this JetStar flight stewardess. Then there was the racist hat. This American guy who was clearly racist because of his hat, and the fact that he was "sure I had tasted the Vietnamese snacks" just because I'm Asian!! He too gave us free beers for his guilt. All in all it was a fantabulous night!!!

Fredrik and Simo

Alex talking to the gross, drunk man who bit my ice cream and drank her beer

racist hat!!

welcome home Katie!!

Alex showing some love (and knocking over) the broken hearted Greek man! lol

Pooh Bear had a day out! We took him to Plaza Singapura for some shopping and a movie, then to bugis for even more shopping. He really enjoyed it!! We caught The Tourist with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. It was average, a little disappointing if you will. The hype and the advertizements were over-exaggerated for this slow paced movie, with not a great storyline and a predictable ending. Pam's rating is 2.8/5!!

Pooh on the bus!

Pooh has bratwurst for lunch!

Pooh has some tea!

Pooh ready for the Tourist!!

There was me working for IBC one rainy afternoon. They seem to be really into the hospital talks recently. I got 2 free bottles of fish oil from the chain that owns Gleneagles which also happens to be where I was born! woohoo!! I also discovered my love for mini chicken vol-au-vents. OMG yummmmm!!


The pastry enjoyed it like candy!!!
Cute little fish shaped fish oil!
The pastry and I brought my little cousin and brother out to rollerblade at the place where we got free tickets on NYE. Unfortunately the stupid tickets were only for bikes. So we paid for the boys' blades and got a tandem bike! hehehe It was my first time ever riding one and it was super fun! I wouldn't reccomend it for like long riding periods, but its super fun for maybe an hour with a buttie! Oh, and you can totally tell when your partner is slacking (--,)
We had a nice coffee and snacks at Bistro@Changi after as well. The day was sooo windy!! Which was a great thing because we didn't sweat so much, but not so good cuz it messed up my hair. lol We could people watch, ship watch and ocean watch! it was a great place to chill out. *Happies* and when the boys weren't ready to go home, we took them to some club in Changi to play pool! It was super fun!!

they had the nice chamomile tea but the wind was so wild it made my tea cold in no time!

my hair at a 90 degree angle!

Ice cream!

chocolate cake!


As Chinese New Year is coming up, Henrik and I went to CHinatown one Sunday! The streets are all lit up and the crowd was as usual- massive! We bought some fun snacks and all! And had the best szechuan dinner at my fav szechuan place! The china-waitress was impressed with my chinese :D I was not so impressed with her english though =x

yay!! candies!!!
We also did our spring cleaning to prepare for Chinese new year. It was great! everything became so white and shiny!! :D It was almost worth the dust allergies that attacked and fucked up my nose for 3 days after.

huat ar!!! door deco!!

hehe the hardest part is always the laundry and the re-organizing of my closet!
There was the drinking night with Henrik's lab crew and more drinks with Ahmed after! Wala Wala's chicken wings now kindof suck- or maybe it was just Friday night (though there should be no excuses!), Kopitiam's is so much better! lol Oh and Ahmed is so sweet! He gave us a box of Baklava from Turkey!! YUMM!!! 3 different flavors, what more can I ask for :D

YUM!!! so flaky!! so sweet!!!
I had a craving for english muffins (not McDonalds) and Henrik was sweet enough to buy me a pack from Cold Storage. Totally not worth the money as it was small, hard and not fluffy enough, but sufficient for my cravings! *happies*

hells to the yeahhh!!!
I caught Burlesque with Ravin one day! Just back from the Himalayas! The movie was pretty amazing! I love musicals! But I think they kind of cheated because the songs didn't tell a story. It was more like a movie+singing in it. The storyline is pretty lame and predictable with the love story- choosing the boy-next-door instead of the incredibly rich man (also the love drama with the fiance and all blah blah), "super determination", main character saves the club from falling, etc. etc. But I guess no one really goes to musicals for the storyline. LOL I loved the dance numbers and costumes and all the bling!! Acting wise was average if not below, because as much of a goddess Cher is, her face can't really move appropriately- she keeps smiling at seemingly wrong times and Christina doesn't cry/act so well. Pam's rating is 4.5/5, Chicago the musical with Catherine Zeta Jones is still much more amazing.

Christian and Sara came to visit us!! They had just spent a half-year exchange in New York, and vacationed from Hawaii>New Zeland>Australia and decided to come say hi before heading back to Denmark! So sweet! We picked them up from the airport and brought them around to Lau Pa Sat for some local foods, and Clarke Quay for some fun drinks!!

beer, beer and more beer!!


On our way home, Henrik was stopped at his first road block!!! And passed with flying colors of course! I always told him not to worry because 1-2 beers won't matter in his blood alcohol count, saying hes white and needs to drink like a truck in order to get drunk LOL And true enough, he had 2 and nothing happened =x the Traffic police we very stern at first (they were suspicious of us as we turned out of Clarke Quay) but when he passed, softened up and turned out to be quite friendly :D

taking the blowy thingy
lol I took the pic from the car for memories!!
The next day we also took them to Chinatown, Esplanade, Boat Quay, and Zirca at Clarke Quay! I forgot to bring my camera, but we had an amazing night. You don't need so many days to see most of Singapore! lol Love it! Its always so nice to have wonderful people visit!
Things sent by mail!
Amazing dress for Christmas from Peter and Joan! I love H&M! Like the Forever 21 of Scandanavia, its awesome looking and affordable! ;) Henrik got 3 books from them too *happies* :D

Threadless t-shirt orders!! I finally have my cookie one! Only waited like 3 years for the proper bck-order LOL. Just in time for Chinese New year ;) I think we had to wait almost a month for these to come! :o I'm pretty sure the post office has blacklisted me for yelling at them the last time they inconvenienced me and lied about delivery if you remember in my
January 2010 post. Tsk tsk.

Finally there was the 1kg candy package from Henrik's parents!! YUM! We now have an official shelf dedicated to Chocolate in our refridgerator!! We keep eating but it keeps growing! lol


some chocolates from Christmas!
Pamela Thinks:
~Interdating with your friends never has good results in your social group. Very inconsiderate to your friends and creates a lot of drama~
~I forsee the future of little girls: Instead of just makeup for eachother during sleepovers, I think they'll start using plastic surgery on eachother! How fun would that be!~
~I wanna go to Egypt to see the Pyramids before they close due to peeling heiroglyphics :( Ok, maybe not right this second, but sometime this year?~
Pingy's Malaysian Celebration!
Soo, it was my love Pingy's birthday on the 23rd of December!! woohooo!! the big 21!! But as we were so busy, we held off celebrating till last weekend. It also happens that Pingy has gotten her first passport recently. *gasp!* (I know right, talk about mountain tortise =x lol) Adding the two together, we decided to celebrate her birthday in nearby Jorhor Bahru. For a different scene and to pop her passport's virginity!
We headed over in te early afternoon when it was muchos crowded. (ughhh, but what time on a Saturday in Singapore isn't?) And while on the bus I recieved the funniest call ever from Pingy:
"hello? Pam? We took a bus to the checkpoint and want to wait here but there are signs saying no loitering! how?! Then we went through the point and tried to go back but the security guard said cannot"
"LOL just go through and wait for me on the other side near the excalator"
"Ohh, can ar?"
"yeap, I'll see you there".
hahaha good times. Not to worry though, we met up just fine! We met Damien and Nichelle soon after and Damien drove us to some new mall to have lunch. Super hungry, we decided on a chinese herbal soup restaurant. The food was not bad, I liked the soup but not so much the chicken or the rice lol. And I liked the stewed pork because of the flavor and its small portion-not too porky. The tea was nice as well. Which reminds me, I need a fancy double-walled teapot as well (--,)
Instead of staying at the same old boring mall, we decided to explore JB a little. Because Damien and Nichelle prefered to stay in the mall, we headed off with Pingy and Wayne to see the Sultan's old palace*. The grounds were grand but the building-now a museum doesn't seem to be upkept like the rest of JB. We got there in time to buy tickets, but whoever was working there decided no one would notice if they slacked and left work early, thus we couldn't go in :( However, we could still roam about the gardens which were glorious!-sort of. LOL there was a Japanese Zen garden, a fountain and a turtle pond among other things.

the palace entrance

We can see singapore!

our different poses infront of the grand entrance to the palace

to the gardens!

we found a little japanese garden

he was so proud of his balancing skills LOL

what could've been a super nice fountain and the cherub is missing a penis LOL

the pavillion where we decided the sultan held friday night cowboy dances!

abandoned turtle pond

Henrik's sultan pose

*Boy, did he ever upgrade his palace! the new one is like 5 mins away (not open to public) but much more grand and of course, up kept
We walked to City Square mall where we were to meet Damien and Nichelle for dinner. It was actually quite nice to walk. The weather was really cool and we saw some interesting things along the way. There was the post office, a walking street with a live band, the indian part of JB and the beginings of a night market. It seemed as if the city doesn't really come alive till the evening though. Must be more of that Malaysian effiency =x.

some random grand building

the walking street!

we found a good chinese rockband. I think it was the new opening of the store or something.

Malaysia is like Singapore 30+ years ago, and every year singapore moves forward, malaysia moves back. LOL

beginings of a night market
While waiting at the mall, we did a little spree at Watsons lol. A lot of their products are cheaper than in SG (except for makeup). I also got the Treseme shampoo that I love which is unavailable in Singapore. Heehee! All preparing for Chinese new year, we got free hong baos for spending more than RM88 in the mall! gotta collect them all! lol


collect them all! lol

exact replicas of the ang baos!
When we finally met Nichelle and Damien again, we decided to check out Danga Bay as I had read that it was a nice place to go. We went and it was rather disappointing. Like everything else in JB, it had potential, but never finished or upkept. There was even a huge picture of what it was supposed to look like. I think I'd better stick to Singapore if I want to keep it modern =x The marina was as ugly as East Coast park and there was a prehistoric amusement park that seemed to only be turned on if one requested to ride on it. Then they had to go to the main power box to jumpstart the thing. LOL The eating places were also over-exaggerated on trip advisor as there wasn't really anything but touters. Ahh Malaysia, truly Asia.

Danga Beach

Yatch docking

Saw Dom for the second time that day with his lomo friends lol (First time was at the King's palace. Stalker!! LOL)

the "amusement" park
In the end, Damien drove us to a place called The Zon where (literally) all the Singaporeans go to eat "cheap" seafood. Converted, it is about 1/2 the price of the seafood in SG. We had satay, vege, beehoon, cereal prawns, kung pow chicken and my favorite salted egg crab!! yay!! Though it wasn't the best like I had in Penang, it was way better than my own cooking attempts! lol *happies*

Satay starters

My fav salted egg crab!!! =)~~~~ though it was abit dry...YUMM!

Anyway Pingy, I hope you had a wonderful day and have a wonderful year ahead! We/You shall travel to many more places! I love you!
Other happs:

My dream car spotted in Malaysia!
- There are just some people I could never travel with -.-" There should be some sort of travel compatibility test before actually traveling with them!
- Also, there should be global airport standards for things sold in airports ;)